How To Determine How Much Commercial Insurance Is Necessary

Shopping for commercial insurance can be confusing, especially for new business owners. Selecting the right type of policy and coverage is the key to protecting yourself from potential losses. The best way to get adequate coverage without gaps is to consult with a professional insurance agent who can guide the client through the purchase process. One of the top questions shoppers have is how much commercial insurance coverage is enough for their situation.

How Much Coverage is Enough?

Getting adequate coverage is the primary goal when purchasing commercial insurance. The first step is to identify the value of the physical location and then the equipment and inventory located on the premises. This process may take some time if there is a shared location and extensive inventory and equipment. A round figure should be calculated, and the next higher available amount should be chosen. It’s crucial not to underinsure because incidents can cause expenses to pile up, and out pocket expenses could mean disaster for some business endeavors. 

Get Assistance With Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance is a broad term for diverse business coverage. These types of policies can be tailored to fit many different types of businesses and are meant to provide a greater amount of security from risks and unexpected damage to the building or equipment. To get the right coverage, check out Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. serving Goldsboro, NC. We can outline current needs and match them with common sense policy coverage to protect a business and help avoid gaps. 

Get comprehensive commercial coverage today with the help of Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. if you live or work near the Goldsboro, NC area. We have the products and answers you need to stay protected. 

Guide to Umbrella Insurance in North Carolina

Umbrella insurance is a type of liability insurance that goes beyond the limits of home, auto, or boat insurance. It is also known as excess liability insurance. Primarily it offers an additional layer of security for those who are at the risk of being sued for damages such as property damage or injury caused by an accident. Those who own expensive assets, have significant savings, or own things that can be dangerous to others will benefit most from this type of insurance.

The typical clients of umbrella insurance are landlords, kids sports coaching companies, nonprofit board members, high-risk sports such as hunting, surfing, etc. You might end being sued more than you have or more than any of the insurance can cover, that’s where the coverage of an umbrella policy kicks in. Without such type of insurance, they could go after your retirement, investment, savings, and future earnings. It can be beneficial when the original insurance coverage has been fully maximized. The umbrella insurance picks up where other insurance ends. The exact nature of the policy will depend on which policy is picked.

To better guide you through this decision or to check if you need this type of insurance, Wayne Realty & Insurance, serving Goldsboro, NC, are experts in the field of umbrella insurance and local regulations of the state of North Carolina. This is a more complex insurance and one which would require detailed analysis. You must seek the assistance of experts to get the best insurance policy suited to your needs. Contact the office of Wayne Realty & Insurance and let our agents help you get started.

When Should I Buy Property Insurance?

Property insurance is a general term that typically refers to the coverage of personal property in case it’s damaged or stolen. If you’re in Goldsboro, NC and what to know more about how to protect your possessions, Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. wants to help you with the answers. 

Things Worth Protecting 

Because we don’t purchase everything all at once, we tend to forget the collective value of all of our things. But this assumption can be dangerous if it’s put to the test. If your home burned down, would you be able to replace all of your electronics, jewelry, and clothing without any trouble? Chances are, it would be costly to even replace a fraction of what you already have. Whether you rent or own, property insurance is designed to give you a way to protect your things if you lose them for a covered reason. 

Getting Ready for the Future 

If you’re interested in property insurance, there are a wide range of policies from which to choose. Whether you want to cover your things against flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc, you can speak to an insurance professional to learn more about what’s available. You can also ask questions about the individual property to understand more about how everything is valued. For example, perhaps you have a table that you took the time to restore and paint. You can request a customized policy consideration to ensure that you receive what everything is really worth. 

If you have questions about which property insurance is right for you, Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. can be of service. We help the people of Goldboro, NC get the information they need so they can rest easy. Give us a call today to learn how to protect your material investments. 

Does Regular Maintenance Affect the Value of Your Vehicle?

How you care for your vehicle will determine how long it will run efficiently. The agents of Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. are available to help those who live in Goldsboro, NC get the most out of their vehicles. This can be accomplished with proper maintenance and general care of your vehicle. A little TLC will ensure that your car holds its value and offers years of quality performance.

Less Wear and Tear

Regular maintenance involves changing your oil and filters every 3,000 miles. It also means monitoring your coolant level as well as your brake fluid. Pay close attention to your tires to ensure that they maintain proper air pressure. You should also check your air and fuel filters regularly as well.

Better Fuel Economy

Proper maintenance will also help you to maintain the best fuel economy. When your engine runs smoothly and your tires have the proper air pressure, your vehicle will be able to function at its best providing you with the most possible miles per gallon.

Improved Overall Performance

When you take the time to check all of your vehicle’s systems, it ensures that you will get the best possible performance out of your car. Not only will your fuel economy improve, but there will be less wear and tear and fewer malfunctions and break downs.

In Goldsboro, NC, the agents of Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. can offer you sound advice and help you find the proper maintenance schedule for your vehicle. Don’t risk lowering the value of your vehicle! Take the necessary steps to keep it in the best shape possible! Call and speak to an agent today!

How To Protect Your Family With The Right Health Insurance Policy

Protecting your family is of the utmost importance. When you have the right health insurance policy, it’s easier to get people to the doctor or the hospital when necessary. There’s no telling when something’s going to happen, so you need to know that the coverage is there throughout the year.

At Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc., we are here to help you find a policy that you can rely on in Goldsboro, NC.

Getting the Right Coverage

You want to make sure that you are able to get your family the healthcare that they need in Goldsboro, NC. This includes being able to go to the doctor when they are sick, getting immunizations when they travel, and getting to the ER when they have been injured. Not all insurance policies work the same way. As such, you need to make sure you have the right health insurance based on all that can happen – as well as any pre-existing conditions that are in place.

Explore the Costs

It’s important to make some comparisons between the different health insurance companies and policies that are offered. From HMO to PPO to cost-savings plans, the plans can vary dramatically. It’s easy to go with the most affordable premium. However, you want to make sure that is providing you with the right policy. This is why you need to explore all of the costs.

In addition to the monthly premium, you need to look at what your co-pays are as well as what prescriptions will cost. Otherwise, you may find yourself paying more per incident even though your premiums are lower than what they would be with another plan.

Rather than being overwhelmed by the whole process, you can ask for help. Independent health insurance agents can answer all of your questions.

Contact us at Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. today to learn more about health insurance policies. We can walk you through the process and ensure that you get a policy that will protect the entire family.


Insuring Your Commercial Property: Inventory and Office Equipment

Buying commercial insurance should be easy, but with so many types of insurance, it can seem harsh. Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. wants to help you make sure your Goldsboro, NC business remains adequately covered. This blog explains how to protect your inventory and office equipment which is typically not entirely covered under a standard commercial policy.

Most companies start with a commercial property insurance policy which ensures that they get reimbursed for damage caused by covered hazards. But, what do you do if your equipment breaks down from wear and tear? What if mice get into your inventory?

It happens, and commercial insurance covers it. Be sure to ask about breakdown insurance and business inventory insurance. Breakdown insurance covers damages caused from the inside. Whether a power surge or electrical short causes the breakdown, it is covered. If your equipment’s motor burns out, this insurance covers it. Cases of general mechanical breakdowns and those caused by operator error also get included.

Inventory insurance provides for the replacement of your inventory at its current or replacement value. Current value means you will receive the depreciated value of the item. It costs you less in premiums but can result in much smaller payouts if you need to file a claim. On the other hand, insuring your inventory at replacement value means you would receive the full amount it would cost to purchase new inventory. This means a lot if one or more raw materials required for manufacturing the product has gone up in costs. It would significantly increase your outlay to get new inventory, but it is covered if you chose replacement cost insurance. That makes the higher premium worth it.

Contact Wayne Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. to learn more about protecting your business’ inventory and equipment. We can help you keep your business going, even when a disaster strikes your Goldsboro, NC business.

Umbrella Insurance Needs By Region

Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. In Goldsboro, NC

Simply stated, umbrella insurance protects you and covers liability amounts that exceed the basic level of insurance. This convenient and worthwhile type of insurance protection can be attached to a commercial insurance policy or a homeowner’s insurance policy. While these two types of insurance policies are generally the type which would include umbrella insurance as an attachment, you can speak with an insurance agent about attaching umbrella insurance to just about any insurance product.

Umbrella insurance is an added benefit because it gives you peace of mind regarding what would happen if your liability exceeds a basic level. 

Regional Downpours?

With that being stated, umbrella insurance by region can vary widely. People who live in inclement weather areas tend to add umbrella insurance to their home insurance in case calamity happens with an extraordinary weather event. Individuals on the West Coast may attach an umbrella insurance policy due to the occasional earthquake. If brush fires are prevalent there may a need to add umbrella insurance in that region.  

Speak with your agent today to learn more about regional differences and how umbrella insurance can make certain you are prepared. 

Before the downpour happens to come in to see us at Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. We aim to be comprehensive service agents so you might feel the protection everywhere. However, in terms of our physical logistics, we are located in Goldsboro, NC  27530. Stop in or give us a call today. Working on your policy ahead of time will ensure that you are insured for whatever extra heavy rainfall may be in your forecast. Your umbrella insurance is designed to cover you in the event of something unforeseen, as well. 

Umbrella Insurance Needs By Region

Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. In Goldsboro, NC

Simply stated, umbrella insurance protects you and covers liability amounts that exceed the basic level of insurance. This convenient and worthwhile type of insurance protection can be attached to a commercial insurance policy or a homeowner’s insurance policy. While these two types of insurance policies are generally the type which would include umbrella insurance as an attachment, you can speak with an insurance agent about attaching umbrella insurance to just about any insurance product.

Umbrella insurance is an added benefit because it gives you peace of mind regarding what would happen if your liability exceeds a basic level. 

Regional Downpours?

With that being stated, umbrella insurance by region can vary widely. People who live in inclement weather areas tend to add umbrella insurance to their home insurance in case calamity happens with an extraordinary weather event. Individuals on the West Coast may attach an umbrella insurance policy due to the occasional earthquake. If brush fires are prevalent there may a need to add umbrella insurance in that region.  

Speak with your agent today to learn more about regional differences and how umbrella insurance can make certain you are prepared. 

Before the downpour happens to come in to see us at Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. We aim to be comprehensive service agents so you might feel the protection everywhere. However, in terms of our physical logistics, we are located in Goldsboro, NC  27530. Stop in or give us a call today. Working on your policy ahead of time will ensure that you are insured for whatever extra heavy rainfall may be in your forecast. Your umbrella insurance is designed to cover you in the event of something unforeseen, as well. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Group Health Insurance

Many small to medium-sized businesses are looking to purchase group health insurance plans for themselves and their employees. If you are looking to provide health insurance to your employees for the first time, you may have many questions about buying group health insurance. At Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. serving Goldsboro, NC, we want to help answer some of the questions that we are routinely asked. Here are a few of the questions you may have related to buying group health insurance. 

What Are the Different Kinds of Health Insurance  to Select From When Buying Group Health Insurance?

You have the same types of health insurance plans available to you when you are buying group health insurance as you do when you are purchasing individual health insurance. This includes the four most common types of health insurance plans; PPO, HMO, POS, HDHP. 

Who Factors Should You Consider When Selecting a Group Health Insurance Plan? 

When you are selecting a group health insurance plan, you may want to ask around your office and find out what doctors, medical groups or hospitals your employees currently use or prefer. Finding plans that allow them to keep their current providers will be appreciated. 

Do You Qualify for Tax Credits or Subsidies With Group Health Insurance? 

The final question you may have is whether you qualify for tax credits or subsidies for providing your employees with group health insurance. There are many factors that come into play when determining who is eligible for credits or subsidies, so it is best to talk to a tax professional to get the answer to this question. 

Are you looking to purchase a group health insurance plans for your employees in the greater Goldsboro, NC area? If so, Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc would love the opportunity to assist you. Call us today to learn how to get started. 

What Are The Limitation Of Commercial General Liability?

If you are a business owner or in charge of securing insurance protection for a commercial entity, then educating yourself on insurance coverage limits is vital to help you get the insurance policy you need and avoid gaps in coverage that could cause a disastrous situation for the company. When it comes to liability insurance, do you know what is covered and what instances may require additional coverage for protection?

What Does General Liability Cover?

If you purchase general liability insurance for commercial use, it will cover property that is damaged as a result of the company through an error of employees or owners and can cover damages as a result of clients or customers becoming injured on the property or as a result of negligence. This type of insurance does not cover employees who are injured on the job or any other instance where anyone working for or with the company is in an accident or damages property. General liability is designed to protect an entity from being sued by outside sources. Do you think you need liability insurance? You should consult a licensed, experienced agent for more information. 

Working with An Agent 

Insurance agents play a key role in assisting clients with their insurance purchases and helping to prevent coverage errors that can result in losses during a covered event. If you are living in or around the Goldsboro, NC area and want to discover how general liability insurance can offer the necessary protection for your company, you should consult with Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. and let their highly knowledgable agents explain how the coverage works and how much coverage is necessary for your individual situation. 

Don’t guess when it comes to selecting liability insurance. Know what the limits are and how much policy coverage is necessary to give you peace of mind. Residents of Goldsboro, NC should call or stop by Wayne Realty & Insurance Co Inc. and learn more about coverage options.